Transfer the Cents

Every purchase you make you can now easily help build your savings account!

With Reliabank’s Transfer the Cents, items you purchase with your Reliabank Debit Card may automatically add up to more savings for you.

Enrolling in Transfer the Cents will:

  1. Round your balance or purchase to the nearest dollar
  2. Transfer the difference from your checking to your savings
  3. Track your savings in Online Banking

How it works:

Choose which option you would prefer

Option 1: Round up after each purchase

Transfer your cents after every purchase by rounding up to the nearest dollar

Item: Price: Rounded up: Transferred to Savings
Coffee $3.50 $4.00 $0.50
Gas $45.02 $46.00 $0.98
Movie $7.50 $8.00 $0.50
Total transferred to savings: $1.98

Option 2: Round Down at the end-of-day balance

Transfer your cents at the end of the day, rounding the remaining change down to the nearest dollar

Day Ending Balance Rounded down to Transferred to Savings
Day 1 $950.75 $950.00 $0.75
Day 2 $892.23 $892.00 $0.23
Day 3 $888.41 $888.00 $0.41
Total transferred to savings: $1.39

How to Enroll:

Simply follow these steps to start growing your savings

  1. You will need both a Reliabank checking account and savings account
  2. Review and sign the Transfer the Cents enrollment form
  3. Print out and drop off the enrollment form at any Reliabank location

Enroll Now